Tuesday, June 15, 2010
You Are Never Alone
(You Are Never Alone-Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica L. Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you.)
Not much to say tonight...no words of wisdom for me or for you. Just a BIG (snuggly, cuddly) BEAR HUG and a little reminder to all you dear souls and to me too....You are never, ever alone and neither am I. I know that a lot of us are struggling right now...somehow, someway...we WILL all be OK. We just gotta keep breathing and moving forward and do and be the very best we can be...everyday.
Breathing in....breathing out....
Reminding myself and you too.......Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU♥
Monday, June 14, 2010
Ring Around The Rosie
(Ring Around The Rosie-Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica L. Moore) (Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Just a simple reminder of the beauty all around us~open your eyes and see the magic!
Loving the simple things....
Remember...Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU✽
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Incredible Eggtastic Mouse...
(The Incredible Eggtastic Mouse-Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Remember when your mom or dad used to tell you not to play with your food? Well, tonight I'm here to remind you that imagination and play is therapeutic and fun! Yes, this is cheesy and silly....and absolutely wonderful!
There are unexpected little gifts at every turn...keep your eyes open for them as they will bring you so much joy! Something as "ordinary" as making potato salad with a dear friend turned into a much needed moment of pure bliss and healing laughter!
Playing with my food.... ;o)
Remember~Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU♥
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Honoring The Goddess Within...And Without
(The Goddess-Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica L. Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
This one's for the ladies tonight(but actually, the ideas bouncing around in my head can be for you guys too!) :)
As I was saying...Ladies, just a little reminder to honor your own inner Goddess and to see your spectacular beauty inside and out!
I've been thinking a lot tonight about body image and how warped our own visions of our bodies can sometimes appear to us. It's such a shame that our own critical eyes often refuse to see our own beauty and worth. Be it wrinkles and aging~to weight gain and cellulite~stretch marks from growth/weight gain or loss, or pregnancy~to scars from falls or accidents and incidents~or a whole host of other so-called "imperfections"...they are all part of who we are and they are part of our own unique story.
Let us stand up today and start to embrace them and embrace ourselves and our own self-worth. Over and over the message I've been hearing all day has been one of acceptance and making peace with ourselves, our bodies and loving all of our "imperfections". All those so-called imperfections may well be perfectly perfect for us.
I know I can't be the only one struggling with this...so ladies tell me what YOU do to feel more comfortable in your body and in your skin!? Meditation, affirmations....? This is the tough, but ever so rewarding inner work....we well all get there...I promise!
P.S~There is a wonderful and empowering parody of the Beyonce "Single Ladies" song by Anita Renfroe, called "Wrinkled Ladies" that I was delighted to see today! You can find it on her website here. http://www.anitarenfroe.com/media/videos/ It is FABulous and so are YOU! ♥
Learning to love myself....inside and out...
Remember~Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU! ★ You're a star! Shine!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Hangin' On (or freak out a tiny little bit and wait)
(Hangin' On-Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica L. Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Wow! Whew! ;) Breathing a big-deep-cleansing breath tonight! Ahhh! I'm thanking the Universe and my dear friends for reaching out to me today! My gratitude is overflowing this evening! As many of you know my blog was temporarily disabled today due to something strange (still not sure what happened!?)...and I must admit, there were a few moments of panic/sadness/confusion as I jumped through the hula-hoops in contacting the powers-that-be to try and get things straightened out...and~as I began to accept that I might have to start all of this from scratch again! Thank goodness for the email feature here...as I found that I at least had back-ups of my work in case I needed it! I'm so thrilled tonight to know that everything has been restored and I'm back up and running! Yay! Thank YOU powers-that-be! :)
My lessons for the day....simply...
1.} Back-up your work!
2.} Freaking out does no good ;) (In other words...lessons of patience and acceptance!)
3.} Do everything in your own power to change the situation, IF you can~& don't give up!
4.} My friends are awesome ;0) ...(But I already KNEW that one!)
Sweet dreams... And Remember~Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU! ♥
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Night And Day
(Night And Day-Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Today I am thinking about contrasts and differences and all the things that sometimes tear us apart, but should be used and realized to in fact, bring us together. The amazing thing is that our diversity and uniqueness adds to the gorgeous landscape of our lives~ and together we create an exquisite mosaic that enriches all of our lives. Remembering to embrace all the wonder around and within us is a vital key to a rich and full existence.
This leads me to thinking about the inner conflicts and contrasts of WHO we are and who we THINK we are and this journey we're on to REMEMBER WHO WE REALLY ARE. Inside of us are all the colors of the rainbow and yet we share only a select few of them...perhaps we don't even realize that we're filled with such color and beauty and light?
Embracing all my shades of grey....
and blue, green, yellow, purple, orange, red, black, white and PINK (thanks to http://www.owningpink.com/ of course♥)
Remember...Be Love, Be Light, Be (colorful, beautiful) YOU!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I'm In Bloom...The Beginnings Are Just Beginning
(I'm In Bloom-Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica L. Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Sometimes there are big, bright and beautiful ideal moments in time when you just KNOW that you're headed in the right direction! Even when you're still in the spinning-wheel mode and are not quite yet in un-stuck territory...you just KNOW that you're getting there! It may still be a bit dark, but what we must remember is that the clouds will lift and the light will shine! First we must find and shine our own light! This is exactly the time and space I find myself in right now and it's such a wonderful and welcome feeling after so many challenges in the last few weeks/months/years of health issues and uncertainty. I have made up my mind....the golden skies, rainbows and pots-of-gold will be found in my life very soon! :)
Blooming and ever expanding...
Remember (and I will too) Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU! ♥
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Maybe This Is Why It's Hidden!? ;)
(Maybe This Is Why It's Hidden-Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
So, today I was thinking about signs and "signs". On the roadways we are surrounded by obvious signs: the ones that tell us what road we're on, when to slow down and when there is a curve ahead. However, sometimes on the road of life the "signs" are not always so crystal clear ;)
I must say that I am ever so grateful and am a believer in the signs that have guided me in my life...yet, I am also a big believer in the fact that we must just jump and follow our guts and our hearts and most important of all...make wise (for us) decisions. TRUST YOURSELF and YOUR ABILITIES! (I am in the process of learning and re-learning this lesson!) It's so important to trust your instincts and go out on those limbs and take those risks, even if the signs are invisible and perhaps misspelled! Those secret pathways to your dreams may just have a hidden entrance! (beware of typos...your entrance could be disguised as an entrace!)
Going for it....
Remember, Be Love~Be Light~Be YOU♥
Monday, June 7, 2010
Wisdom In Unexpected Places...At The Bus/Train Station
(Wisdom At The Bus Station-inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica L. Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Good evening, lovelies :) After a long, productive day I'm reflecting on a bit-o-wisdom that landed in my lap via my layover at the bus/train station today! Enjoy!
Wishing you open-to-possibility-eyes, always!
Remember~Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU ♪♫♪♫♪
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Wild Adventure Begins
(Standing On New Legs~Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica L. Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
And the new, wild adventure begins! (Again!) A year ago today, I landed in Texas, rather unexpectedly....and here I am embarking upon another new adventure in this journey called...My Life! ;)
I was reminded today that the unexpected surprises and detours are part of the fun and pure, heartfelt inner-love-joy on the journey! It is not necessarily the destination we envision...or those expectations and sometimes unmet "social markers" that we think we must conquer by a certain age or time in our lives, but the people we meet, the relationships we nurture and our own inner growth that leads us to who we are meant to be and where we are meant to go and BE.
Remembering and putting into practice.... ;)
Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU♥
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Finding Pure Joy-Being Four Again ♥
(Our Inner Goddesses-Guest photographer image by a friend of mine who'd like to remain anonymous.) :)
(inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore) (Please do not use photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Ah! Tonight was a good, good night! :) Moments of simple joys and pleasures~enjoying a beautiful evening with dear friends, laughter, homemade chili, and running through sprinklers with wild abandon! My inner goddess and inner child (hence the title of this post, being four again) were awakened and I felt....free and alive and full of love!
I love you, Zan and I love "being four" with you! ♥
Dancing through the sprinklers of life..... Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Chasing Crazy Wishes And Dreams
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Fences And Obstacles-Friend Or Foe: You Choose
(Obstacle Or Teacher?~Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Reminding myself (over and over) of this lesson tonight~that the fences and obstacles~the falls and setbacks we face indeed can be our biggest teachers and our dearest friends.
Sometimes it's challenging to remember this, and to face and slay all the big monsters in our path...we get just as scared as we did when we were little and thought the monsters were underneath our beds. But, now the "monsters" are very real~we are adults: we have relationships to maintain and responsibilities to keep. What happens when we loose our footing and end-up in free-fall mode with nothing to hang on to? We fall....land...bandage ourselves up and move on! And what if we run into fences and other obstacles along the way (which you know we will!)? WE decide to either find another path and go around them, or we learn how to go through/over/under them.
I am smack dab in the middle of a maze of fences/hurdles and obstacles right now and am determined to continue to walk around them, plow through them, jump over them, and crawl underneath them to get to the other side....it's greener there...i just know it ;)
I'm off to slay the dragon ;)
P.S~Thanking you for all your wonderful support and encouragement!
Remember~Be Love~Be Light~Be YOU ♥
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A Single Footstep Leads To...
(Picture Where You're Headed~Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Ah yes! A single solitary footstep (in the right direction) leads you to a clearer picture of where you're going and slowly helps to build your confidence! I'm thankful for the baby steps that I've made forward lately and the friends-turned-angels who are nudging me in the direction of the light that shines deep within me...it's just been dimmed for a while.
Cheers to all of us who are putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward!
...Off to find my walking-stick for the journey ;)
Remember~Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU! ♥
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Path Back To My Heart
(The Path Back To My Heart~Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
I am once again "off to see the Wizard"...but this time that magical, wonderful wizard who will make all my dreams come true is....wait for it....ME! ;o) My heart told me so....it was just a faint whisper, but it IS there!
I am on my way, here I go----> on the path back to my path, back to my heart, back to my life and back to my self! What an incredible journey this is!
Good night love-lights! I heart you! ♥
And~Remember! Be Love~Be Light~Be (incredible, beautiful, wondrously magical) YOU! ♥
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
I am once again "off to see the Wizard"...but this time that magical, wonderful wizard who will make all my dreams come true is....wait for it....ME! ;o) My heart told me so....it was just a faint whisper, but it IS there!
I am on my way, here I go----> on the path back to my path, back to my heart, back to my life and back to my self! What an incredible journey this is!
Good night love-lights! I heart you! ♥
And~Remember! Be Love~Be Light~Be (incredible, beautiful, wondrously magical) YOU! ♥
Monday, May 31, 2010
(Remembrance and Wishes for Peace~Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
In remembrance of those we have lost~those who have come home and those who are still serving. Let us support our troops by keeping them in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Remember, they are all someone's son, daughter, sister, brother, mother, father, friend. Let us pray for their safety and work to bring them home very soon!
I leave you this evening with a wish for our world to live in PEACE!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
What Happens When Love Takes Over?
(Love Wins and Fear Disappears~Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
What happens when love takes over? Fear disappears! I am reminding myself of this today and perhaps it will help you too! ♥
P.S~Remember, I love YOU and YOU should love YOU too!
P.S+ ;) Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU!
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
What happens when love takes over? Fear disappears! I am reminding myself of this today and perhaps it will help you too! ♥
P.S~Remember, I love YOU and YOU should love YOU too!
P.S+ ;) Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Got Beer?
(Got Beer~Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Helloooo everyone and happy weekend! :0) Just wanted to make sure that I posted tonight (as I'm committed to posting a new photo/blog entry every single day!)
I hope you're all enjoying the kick-off of summer activities and spending time with those you love! As you're barbecuing, clinking your glasses, relaxing, and enjoying the first big party of summer, remember to be thankful for those around you! Tonight I find myself missing many people who are near and dear to my heart, but extremely grateful beyond words for the "framily" I have surrounding me this evening! (No, that's not a typo at all...my framily consists of so many people in my life who are friends who I consider to be my family! And, most of you reading this tiny little blog right now probably are in my beautiful framily! I love you all more than I can express and I thank you for the gift of your love, support and encouragement in my life! ♥
In case you're wondering, sadly, no I didn't coin this new word....it already existed! You can read more about it here! http://www.macmillandictionary.com/buzzword/entries/framily.html
Enjoy your night and I'll see you again tomorrow!
P.S~Remember...Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU! ♥
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Helloooo everyone and happy weekend! :0) Just wanted to make sure that I posted tonight (as I'm committed to posting a new photo/blog entry every single day!)
I hope you're all enjoying the kick-off of summer activities and spending time with those you love! As you're barbecuing, clinking your glasses, relaxing, and enjoying the first big party of summer, remember to be thankful for those around you! Tonight I find myself missing many people who are near and dear to my heart, but extremely grateful beyond words for the "framily" I have surrounding me this evening! (No, that's not a typo at all...my framily consists of so many people in my life who are friends who I consider to be my family! And, most of you reading this tiny little blog right now probably are in my beautiful framily! I love you all more than I can express and I thank you for the gift of your love, support and encouragement in my life! ♥
In case you're wondering, sadly, no I didn't coin this new word....it already existed! You can read more about it here! http://www.macmillandictionary.com/buzzword/entries/framily.html
Enjoy your night and I'll see you again tomorrow!
P.S~Remember...Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU! ♥
Friday, May 28, 2010
Spring-Cleaning of My ♥ Heart ♥
(Spring-Cleaning of My Heart~Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Good evening lovelies! ♥ I do so hope you're enjoying a bright and beautiful day/night! It's time to kick off your shoes and enjoy the weekend!
As we head into this long holiday weekend (for those of you in the United States), I want to share my pondering and word association for the day (with all of you). (And later a wonderful random act of kindness that I witnessed today!)
As I was waiting for an appointment this morning I noticed a sign I've seen many times over the last couple weeks and it filled me with such wonder and amazement when I re-read it today. It simply stated that their office would be closed to honor the Memorial Day holiday on Monday. I was struck by the word CLOSED. Do you see another word within this word that might cause me to have an "ah ha" moment?
Look at it this way...C-LOSE-D. I saw the word LOSE and started to think about how we honestly lose so much, if and when we close our hearts and ourselves off. We shut down due to hurt and struggle and pain and confusion and fear. We start distancing ourselves not only from each other, but from ourselves out of disillusionment of what we may be dealing with in our own lives, with our health, our finances, our broken relationships, our broken selves and/or the bombardment of all the bad news happening around us, and it takes a real toll on our hearts. Sometimes this happens so quietly and steadily that we don't see it, that is, until the fear makes us feel that the walls are closing in on us and they seem to start crumbling down on top of us.
I am beginning to realize that this is what I have done and where I am standing...seemingly alone and watching the world spin wildly around and within me. I am also learning that it takes courage to realize and admit the truth. Then and only then can I (we) make our assessments, take stock of where we are, and move forward. I'm reminding myself that even if it's at a snails pace...I still have to move one foot in front of the other and step back into this world, into myself and back into my life.
Thus, I have started the spring-cleaning of my heart and I urge you to do the same. ♥ I'm sure it will come with pain, disillusionment and even more questions...but I just KNOW that it will lead to something beautiful and wonderful and joyous!
And now, for the good news :) As I was heading home I had my faith in humanity and kindness restored for a moment. While listening to music, pre-writing this post in my head and people-watching on the train I witnessed a tiny but beautiful random act of kindness. :) There in the front of the light-rail sat a young gentlemen in a wheelchair who asked another young gentleman on the other side of the aisle to help him move the wire for his earphones and rearrange it behind his ear so that it would be more comfortable. And then, the good deed was done. One human being reached out to another, and was met with compassion and understanding....if only that happened more often. It was such a quick, small act, but showed such compassion and a human connection being made. I'm not sure if they are reflecting upon that moment tonight, but I am, and I am moved and smiling!
Wishing you all a fabutastic weekend :)
In light and love <3
P.S~Remember...Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU!
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Good evening lovelies! ♥ I do so hope you're enjoying a bright and beautiful day/night! It's time to kick off your shoes and enjoy the weekend!
As we head into this long holiday weekend (for those of you in the United States), I want to share my pondering and word association for the day (with all of you). (And later a wonderful random act of kindness that I witnessed today!)
As I was waiting for an appointment this morning I noticed a sign I've seen many times over the last couple weeks and it filled me with such wonder and amazement when I re-read it today. It simply stated that their office would be closed to honor the Memorial Day holiday on Monday. I was struck by the word CLOSED. Do you see another word within this word that might cause me to have an "ah ha" moment?
Look at it this way...C-LOSE-D. I saw the word LOSE and started to think about how we honestly lose so much, if and when we close our hearts and ourselves off. We shut down due to hurt and struggle and pain and confusion and fear. We start distancing ourselves not only from each other, but from ourselves out of disillusionment of what we may be dealing with in our own lives, with our health, our finances, our broken relationships, our broken selves and/or the bombardment of all the bad news happening around us, and it takes a real toll on our hearts. Sometimes this happens so quietly and steadily that we don't see it, that is, until the fear makes us feel that the walls are closing in on us and they seem to start crumbling down on top of us.
I am beginning to realize that this is what I have done and where I am standing...seemingly alone and watching the world spin wildly around and within me. I am also learning that it takes courage to realize and admit the truth. Then and only then can I (we) make our assessments, take stock of where we are, and move forward. I'm reminding myself that even if it's at a snails pace...I still have to move one foot in front of the other and step back into this world, into myself and back into my life.
Thus, I have started the spring-cleaning of my heart and I urge you to do the same. ♥ I'm sure it will come with pain, disillusionment and even more questions...but I just KNOW that it will lead to something beautiful and wonderful and joyous!
And now, for the good news :) As I was heading home I had my faith in humanity and kindness restored for a moment. While listening to music, pre-writing this post in my head and people-watching on the train I witnessed a tiny but beautiful random act of kindness. :) There in the front of the light-rail sat a young gentlemen in a wheelchair who asked another young gentleman on the other side of the aisle to help him move the wire for his earphones and rearrange it behind his ear so that it would be more comfortable. And then, the good deed was done. One human being reached out to another, and was met with compassion and understanding....if only that happened more often. It was such a quick, small act, but showed such compassion and a human connection being made. I'm not sure if they are reflecting upon that moment tonight, but I am, and I am moved and smiling!
Wishing you all a fabutastic weekend :)
In light and love <3
P.S~Remember...Be Love, Be Light, Be YOU!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Shadows of fear & the light of ♥ love ♥
(Fragile Strength~Image by inspiremedaisy~Photography by Jessica Moore)
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Welcome to: My Journey, Your Journey, Our Journey
I've decided to jump back into the blogosphere and I want to take you, yes you, with me! The path here will be real, raw, authentic, and from my heart. It may not always be pretty or comfortable, but it will be me and it will be truthful. I do hope you'll open your heart and walk hand-in-hand with me as we venture out into this world of new beginnings. I plan to offer you a glimpse into my life, my photography, and my pathway back to find/see/know and realize my true self.
I sit here today glancing down the road of my life~behind me I see a kaleidoscope of incredible memories that lift my heart in song, wondrous friendships that soothe my soul, accomplishments that make me proud, and yet a hazy vision of the person I wanted to be. (And an even hazier present vision of the person that looks back at me in the morning mirror.)
When I honestly take a look in my inner mirror I also see paths of bad decisions, fear and broken dreams...which I fully admit and take responsibility for. I am learning that the "what if" thinking (...think "coulda, woulda, shoulda, "...) does me no good. I also must admit that sometimes bad things happen, our paths sometimes wind down roads we had never envisioned for ourselves and they leave us gasping for air, grasping for solid ground and wondering how we can ever get through the NOW that surrounds us. I am here, perhaps you are too? Right now, I am standing tall proclaiming that I am ready to crawl out of the shadows of fear & into the light of ♥ love ♥.
I am extending my hand to you, won't you join me?
I am love-in-progress
I am light-in-progress
I am photography-in-progress
I am art-in-progress
I am humanity-in-progress
I am peace-in-progress
I am hope-in-progress
I am dreams-in-progress
I am a-work-in-progress
Again, I welcome you and thank you with sincere kindness and appreciation!
Much love to you all ♥ and remember....Be Love, Be Light, Be You! ♥
(Please do not use my photography images without my permission, thank you!)
Welcome to: My Journey, Your Journey, Our Journey
I've decided to jump back into the blogosphere and I want to take you, yes you, with me! The path here will be real, raw, authentic, and from my heart. It may not always be pretty or comfortable, but it will be me and it will be truthful. I do hope you'll open your heart and walk hand-in-hand with me as we venture out into this world of new beginnings. I plan to offer you a glimpse into my life, my photography, and my pathway back to find/see/know and realize my true self.
I sit here today glancing down the road of my life~behind me I see a kaleidoscope of incredible memories that lift my heart in song, wondrous friendships that soothe my soul, accomplishments that make me proud, and yet a hazy vision of the person I wanted to be. (And an even hazier present vision of the person that looks back at me in the morning mirror.)
When I honestly take a look in my inner mirror I also see paths of bad decisions, fear and broken dreams...which I fully admit and take responsibility for. I am learning that the "what if" thinking (...think "coulda, woulda, shoulda, "...) does me no good. I also must admit that sometimes bad things happen, our paths sometimes wind down roads we had never envisioned for ourselves and they leave us gasping for air, grasping for solid ground and wondering how we can ever get through the NOW that surrounds us. I am here, perhaps you are too? Right now, I am standing tall proclaiming that I am ready to crawl out of the shadows of fear & into the light of ♥ love ♥.
I am extending my hand to you, won't you join me?
I am love-in-progress
I am light-in-progress
I am photography-in-progress
I am art-in-progress
I am humanity-in-progress
I am peace-in-progress
I am hope-in-progress
I am dreams-in-progress
I am a-work-in-progress
Again, I welcome you and thank you with sincere kindness and appreciation!
Much love to you all ♥ and remember....Be Love, Be Light, Be You! ♥
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